Getting more involved
Years ago, I had the opportunity to experience a dynamic, uplifting, exciting, informational conference called the Sisters Empowering Sisters Youth Conference. I chaperoned 30 young African-American and Latino high school teenagers who came back, Enlightened, Engaged and Empowered.
The workshop topics, presenters, activities and materials were an excellent resource for these young women. Not only were the teens empowered by the power that radiated through the entire conference, but so were the chaperones. It was the best conference that I had ever attended for young women during my career as a School Counselor.
Since this conference had such an impact on me, I wanted to become more involved, and I joined the Board of the Image Initiative Inc, and was Program Director of the C.H.O.I.C.E.S. program for two years. Having the chance to participate really made me feel that I was making a significant difference in the teen’s lives and I continue to learn from each conference I have attended since.
Cheryl Dixon-Hills
Emeritus Board Member